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香港飲食業策劃及宣傳公關公司 Hong Kong Restaurant Planning and Marketing Agency


How to sustain a business?

Start-Up business is a hot topic nowadays. 

Apart from online business and technology-based business such as payment gateway, social media, virtual reality are dramatically increasing, a real store offering real products is very crucial to an economy. People opt to do shopping in a grocery store for fish and meat, eggs etc. because of freshness consideration.

I would like to talk about a bakery, one of our clients, is still keep their business going well every day.  

Ueno Bakery & Enzyme (上野酵素麵包生活館), an one-of-a-kind bakery, with enzyme-added which helps in digestion and is unique in Hong Kong. It opens since 2010 and it drew a lot of press coverage for the brand and the products.

Ueno Bakery & Enzyme opens every day and produces more than 60 freshly baked products unless some chaotic moment happened last 2 years in Hong Kong. 

However, in order to sustain the business, not only just offering high quality products in terms of using high ingredients, but also creativity taken into account. Ricky Yim, senior bakery chef of Ueno Bakery & Enzyme saying that "We are having near 200 recipes on the product list and we rotate them by seasonality and base on seasonality of our ingredients." "Our bread are artisan, and freshly baked at our on site bakery daily."

Offline stores like bakery also make use of the advantage of nowadays technology. "Social media is an alternative communication with our customers." Ricky Yim said. It draws some extent of attention to our customers and potential customers

Click on the video to explore the production of the Ueno Bakery & Enzyme.

Ueno Bakery & Enzyme 上野酵素麵包生活館 :
Shop B, G/F , 785A, Nathan Road, Prince Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Master Class - "La magia de El Celler de Can Roca"

As a Spanish Cuisine lover, how can I miss in participating an special event organized by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce with the 3-starred Michelin chefs of El Celler de Can Roca, the World's best restaurant award in 2013 and 2015.

El Celler de Can Roca is a restaurant in Girona, Catalonia, Spain which was opened in 1986 by the Roca brothers, Joan, Josep and Jordi. They are talented chefs in creativity and gastronomy of course and in this event, they showcase their techniques and product development elements to only limited guests in Hong Kong on 9 August 2016, as one of the events of their BBVA World Tour. 

I have been Girona for an excursion when I was heading to visit Dali Museum, unfortunately I have no chance to visit their restaurant. So accidentally, I was invited for this event and the master class was really inspiring. Why? I would say their product development of every single dish is really unique and dedicated, for example, the dish presentation is look alike a landscape. Some of them presented like a 3D cardboard, the food placed on the top of the card and based on a story and memories of the brothers. Some of them are in a sense of humor, as well as based on the local culture.  In terms of the cooking method and ingredients, nitrogen and cooling equipment apply and some herbs are freshly picked. Beans are fermented in days and weeks, at various time periods for reaching different aromas.  

Wine ....

Chef Josep Roca explained to us how to use wine not only pairing with the food, but also how to use them for cooking. In the restaurant, there are over 60,000 bottles of wine in stock. There is a perfume cooking concept which they use various grapes of wine to cook with various ingredients. Like they showed us using Sherry to cook the oyster over a sizzling stone.


Chef Joan Roca is preparing the dish with a specially made bean paste which was fermented 6-day and 4-week respectively, using the beans grown in Giorna, for adding the taste with the caramar. The fermented beans tasted a little salty but having strong aroma of beans. 

Dessert Time....

Chef Jordi Roca is preparing the dessert in a tropical way to our Hong Kong audience. He has made Durian ice cream, pandan leaves gelatins served with various diced fruits. He also puts a lovely tiger face which is made of mange ice cream on the top as he explained that it was inspired him when watching Bruce Lee movie, a tiger was an memory of him for Hong Kong. :) 

Thank you chefs to showcase what is fine dining to us, as people in Hong Kong still need time to pick up what is a gourmet and cuisine. People prefer fast food dining in Hong Kong. However, if you have time to travel to Barcelona, visit once at El Celler de Can Roca is one of travelling destinations and experience the dining experience at the best restaurant, except not going in summer time as they will close for a month.

El Celler de Can Roca



As one of the stakeholders in the F&B industry, our company has been invited to participate in the VINEXPO 2016, one of the major wine exhibitions and events for the wine industry.

The 7th edition of Vinexpo Hong Kong took place from May 24-26 2016 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre featuring the widest-ever range of wines and spirits to be showcased in Asia. There are over 1,300 exhibitors from 33 producing countries according to the official release.

For wine lover, France region you should not be missed. Winemakers and exhibitors of France have promoted their products from its 17 wine-producing regions, including Bordeaux, Provence, the Loire Valley, Champagne and Burgundy.  One of the winemakers and wines I would like to highlight is La Noblesa ("La Noblesse") . It is a exceptional wine which is very balanced and fine, with ruby colour with aromas of black fruit nose, smooth and round in the mouth, from the Chateau d'Or et de Gueules, AOC Costieres de Nimes.

Spain is the 3rd largest represented country at VINEXPO. Rioja and Rueda, should be recommended for Spanish wine.

One of Rioja I tasted is Rioja Gran Reserva from the Marques de Riscal. It is deep black cherry color, almost opaque. Elegant, complex nose, with aromas of black fruit and lots of spice, sweet tannis that envelop the palate.

There are many quality wines and cuvees , from champagnes to sake, sweet wines, liquors etc but I just selected these two examples.

Looking forward to the next VINEXPO !


有意創業? 參觀2016年創業日 !


About the Event:

日期: 13-14 May 2016 ( 星期五及星期六 Friday and Saturday)
13 May 2016 : 10:30 am - 6:30pm 上午10時30分至下午6時30分
14 May 2016 : 10:00 am - 6:00pm 上午10時至下午6時
地點: 香港會議展覽中心展覽廳 (HKCEC, Wanchai) 1D-E
免費入場 Free Admission 
主辦機構: 香港貿易發展局 HKTDC

About the Exhibitor:

Booth No. 1D-E20
Zone: Legal, Accounting & Business Services

Miracle Consultancy Group is a professional integrated service company in the building consultancy.
  • 申請各類牌照(食肆牌照公眾娛樂場所牌照及酒牌等) Food Business Licence Application
  • 樓宇顧問  Architecture Consultancy
  • 設計顧問  Interior Design
  • 工程顧問 Engineering Consultancy
  • 項目管理顧問  Project Management
  • 商業顧問 Business Consultancy


申請美食車先導計劃 The Food Truck Pilot Scheme Application

美食車先導計劃是一項推廣旅遊的項目,目的是為香港的旅遊景點增添吸引力,為旅客和巿民提 供多元化、富創意和高質素的美食,同時展現香港優良的食物衛生及安全水平。




申請截止日期 :2016 5 30

The Food Truck Pilot Scheme is a tourism initiative which aims to enhance the appeal of our tourist attractions and provide diverse, creative and high quality food offers to tourists and the public, as well as showcasing the good standard of food hygiene and safety in Hong Kong.

Applications are now invited from members of the public, amongst whom up to sixteen (16) Applicants will be selected for recommendation to the Venues for entering into Agreements for operation of Food Trucks at the Venues under the Scheme. 

The Scheme will be launched for a period of two years starting from a designated commencement date.

Application Deadline : 30 May 2016

For any applications details you may seek for consultation, feel free to contact us. We can make your proposal more practical and fruitful for assessment of the application.







首先大家要知道最 basic 的marketing mix 有4個P: Product (個餐/食品),還有3個P,就是Pricing (價錢) , Promotion (宣傳)同Place。而Place 就是Distribution (銷售點),所以,你放邊到賣,對象消費力及其方便性絕對有影響,難道你去山頂那間連鎖茶餐廳吃個茶餐跟九龍會一樣嗎?況且還有其他競爭對手要考慮,使定價更有競爭力。


文章參考:  東方日報 (25/2/2016)





根據《食物業規例》( 132X )(《規例》)的規定,任何人如有意售賣或要約出售訂明任何限制出售食物包括預先包裝冰鮮及/或冷藏肉類、刺身、壽司、不經烹煮而食用的蠔、介貝類水產動物及原廠盛杯及包裹物料包裝的冰凍甜點等,必須在開業前申領適用於售賣相關類別受限制食物的許可證。 

  1. 如在網上(例如通過網站或網上平台帳戶)售賣不同類的受限制食物,應就各類受限制食物分別申領受限制食物售賣許可證(網上售賣受限制食物) 
  2. 如已就某網站∕網上平台帳戶或業務地址發出許可證,以供網上售賣某一類別的受限制食物,食環署不會接受在同一網站∕網上平台帳戶或業務地址進行同類別受限制食物網上銷售的許可證申請;
  3. 持證人必須於網站、網上平台帳戶、宣傳印刷品上(不包括在傳媒上刊登的宣傳資料)清晰提供許可證的下列資料,或在宣傳印刷品上提供渠道公開有關的資料,以示獲得食物環境衞生署署長 批准在該網站或網上平台帳戶售賣或要約出售有關的受限制食物: (1)獲發許可證的類別及許可證號碼; (2)許可售賣的受限制食物類別; 以及 (3)持證處所的業務地址。 
  4. 在申請所涉處所以網上形式出售受限制食物,當中如有直接在申請處所為顧客提供服務(如派送優惠券)及∕或商品(如派送紀念品/不可食用的食物樣品),食環署會把有關申請轉介規劃署;
  5. 在揀選業務處所時,經營食物業處所的土地用途應符合食環署、其他政府部門及有關主管當局按其所執行法例訂立的規定;
  6. 食環署不會接受住宅用途在該等處所經營食物業的申請;
  7. 在申請期間如欲更改業務地址,須重新向食環署提交申請書及證明文件;
  8. 如轉換或新增供應商,必須立即通知食物環境衞生署署長,並必須提交由新供應商發出的書面證明文件;
  9. 經營者不可在業務處所處理(如切割、切片、包裝或包裹等)或貯存該等供作出售的食物; 以及
  10. 所有預先包裝冷凍(冰鮮)及∕或冷藏肉類須由供應商交付顧客,而原有的包裝須完整無缺,且不曾受污染或干擾。



資料由食物環境衞生署提供 http://www.fehd.gov.hk