如果你有熱誠,想加入食物車營運商其中一份子而需要顧問, 可由本公司代辦填寫申請書。
申請截止日期 :2016年 5 月 30日
The Food Truck Pilot Scheme is a tourism initiative which aims to enhance the
appeal of our tourist attractions and provide diverse, creative and high
quality food offers to tourists and the public, as well as showcasing the good
standard of food hygiene and safety in Hong Kong.
are now invited from members of the public, amongst whom up to sixteen (16)
Applicants will be selected for recommendation to the Venues for entering into
Agreements for operation of Food Trucks at the Venues under the Scheme.
Scheme will be launched for a period of two years starting from a designated
commencement date.
Application Deadline : 30 May 2016