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香港飲食業策劃及宣傳公關公司 Hong Kong Restaurant Planning and Marketing Agency


申請美食車先導計劃 The Food Truck Pilot Scheme Application

美食車先導計劃是一項推廣旅遊的項目,目的是為香港的旅遊景點增添吸引力,為旅客和巿民提 供多元化、富創意和高質素的美食,同時展現香港優良的食物衛生及安全水平。




申請截止日期 :2016 5 30

The Food Truck Pilot Scheme is a tourism initiative which aims to enhance the appeal of our tourist attractions and provide diverse, creative and high quality food offers to tourists and the public, as well as showcasing the good standard of food hygiene and safety in Hong Kong.

Applications are now invited from members of the public, amongst whom up to sixteen (16) Applicants will be selected for recommendation to the Venues for entering into Agreements for operation of Food Trucks at the Venues under the Scheme. 

The Scheme will be launched for a period of two years starting from a designated commencement date.

Application Deadline : 30 May 2016

For any applications details you may seek for consultation, feel free to contact us. We can make your proposal more practical and fruitful for assessment of the application.